Thursday, April 24, 2008

Creature of Habit

DSC04679, originally uploaded by enrollmentsystems.

I'm trying to get out of my routine:

- wake up
- go to work
- work
- go home
- watch TV
- sleep

I mean as glamorous as that may sound it's not. Last Night, I made myself go back after attending an event at the kiddo's school. Then, I drove back to the MC and captured Carnival. I heard there was going to be a ZORB and it was worth coming back for all alone.

Next time, they need to have 2 cotton candy machines because I didn't get any.

The funny thing is I shot over 200 photos and was heading home. As I was driving, I liked the angles from my car. So, I started shooting some more.

This is one of those. It's one of the few with the ZORB and "gladiator arena" together.


I set my pictures from the Carnival to upload this morning while I was driving to work and of course something went wrong because I only have 2/3rds of the pictures. Now, there's nothing I can do to fix it until I get home and the pics that I wanted are the ones that didn't upload.

I am not happy.